Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sense of relief

Well, the Election night is finally here and crowds are already celebrating the win of Obama's re-election. Frankly, I try to avoid discussing politics (or religion) since both topics rarely come to a agreement. However, tonight I feel a sense of relief.

Like for most of us, there are things we agree and disagree with, especially when talking about politics. I don't want to get into detailed discussion specifying reasons which candidate is better and why, but I'd like to point out a couple of observations from just watching Election today.

  • First of all, it's nice to watch actual democratic elections (without scandals of vote buy outs, corruption, etc.)
  • Second, I'd be more worried if Romney won because it would mean we'd just wasted four years. Not to idolize Obama, but things do not get done overnight. It is interesting to see voters saying they vote for Romney just because Obama "didn't satisfy their needs."History shows that when re-elected, Presidents try to leave a legacy behind them. If they fail, then we can "blame and trash" them, if they win--we "praise" them. With current situation, I'd rather give another four years for President so he could prove himself than be in doubt about new one. 
  • Thirdly, I'm a visual person, therefore current Electoral map shows me a trend (all major states with metropolitan areas, IL, WI, MI, FL(still not clear), West Coast, East Coast (including Romney's state MA) are "blue,"while rural areas and majority of southern states- "red." I don't want to draw conclusions in regards to "blue" states being more educated, etc., but at least it makes me think about it. 
  • Finally, if Obama wins, he'd better prove himself and move "forward." At least we all will get a sense of relief after the political campaign ads will stop...

1 comment:

  1. I think that some American's take for granted the right to vote. We may not like the choice but at least in the United States voting allows the voice of the country to be heard.
    I recall hearing about elections in newly democratic countries and they have scandal and biases at all turns. I am proud to live in a country that may not be perfect but the election process has been around long enough that most of the flaws have been worked out.
