Friday, September 28, 2012


On wednesday night, Deepa Kumar started her speech with this video. Even though this video might seem absurd, the reality is that most of us still inhibit the so called "islamophobia." Therefore, during her speech, Kumar tried to educate audience that the image of Islam is not evil and is not natural. How the image of "muslim enemy" was constructed has an extensive history and, as Kumar points, is solely created in order to justify agenda of the empire by the "political elite."

While half of her book focuses on the history, the other half reflects the political agenda. While I can agree with majority of the points in her book, I was interested in hearing what Kumar had to say about current situation and the outrage about "the innocence of Muslims"(especially after I had watched the movie). In her words, this movie is only "the tip of the iceberg." That people throughout the Middle East simply were exhausted from occupations, regimes, constant promises, in addition of seeing their countries being destroyed and relatives killed. So no surprise that any, (even though satyrical and stupid) remarks diminishing their religion only magnified already inferior situation.

Kumar asked the audience what could we do about it. Firstly, she remarked that we must deconstruct those images of Muslims as "enemies" and have empathy for "the other." Also, another consideration was that we must encompass solidarity instead of sympathy. While her suggestions were fair-minded, couple of people in the audience still expressed their concern about nuclear weapons and Muslims burning American which, I thought, she responded with educated answers.

However, even thought I don't consider myself racist (at least try not to be one), her answers don't justify all the reasons either. I understand how people can get tired of oppression or living with fear and prejudice. We were oppressed by the Soviet Union: rewritten history, exile, injustice, restrictions, etc. however, the so called "uprise" and gaining independence didn't happen with civilians destroying their own towns, killing others, etc. Prayers and national songs were only weapons...

In my opinion, even with the current situation, if Middle East would've shown a different, calm, peaceful side (instead of "rage" and killing other people), the "upset" ones would've been the "political elite," since there would less reasons for them to intrude and further escalate the image of "Muslim enemy."

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