Friday, September 14, 2012

Shadowing "Glass Ceiling"?

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Interestingly enough, yesterday the NBC's Today Show featured Hanna Rosin, an author of "The End of Men: And the Rise of Women."

Rosin discussed that women are shadowing "glass ceiling," since more of them focus on education, successful careers, etc. Even though barriers still exist, author claims that social dynamics have shifted and women are adapting to the changes in the public sphere. StarTribune claims:

"The End of Men" is undoubtedly an attention-grabbing title, but as Rosin writes, "[the] 'end' might not be a permanent state of existence." Readers would do best to see Rosin's book in this light. It's not the final word on gender roles in the 21st century, but it's a notable starting point for a fascinating conversation."

Do you agree that women are surpassing men? 

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